Dentist Reveals 7 Foods That Are Worse For Your Teeth Than Candy

4. Grapefruit
And neither could you have guised that grapefruit, a good source of vitamin C and a healthy breakfast favorite is one of the foods to avoid for healthy teeth.
As one of the most acidic fruits, grapefruit can damage tooth enamel because it literally dissolves it, said Dr. Burhenne, adding that when you pour acid on something, it leeches out the calcium. “
5. Diet Sodas
According to Dr. Burhenne, diet soda is actually way worse for our dental health than regular soda because it’s more acidic than regular soda. “When they take out the sugar, there’s some tartness that is lost, so they add phosphoric acid.” Phosophoric acid can also dissolve the calcium in the enamel of your teeth.
6. Not all coffee is good for you
Now this I and many thousands of coffee enthusiasts just don’t want to hear. “Tannic acids naturally found in coffee can do more damage to teeth than just unsightly stains.
The acids swirling around in your mouth from your morning cup of coffee can break down your tooth enamel, causing decay.
For us coffee lovers there is I, think, a solution. You could consider having a class of water with or after a cup of coffeer.
In their natural form, coffee and tea can be healthy beverage choices. Unfortunately too many people can’t resist adding sugar. Caffeinated coffee and tea can also dry out your mouth. Frequent drinks of coffee and tea may also stain your teeth. If you do consume, make sure to drink plenty of water and try to keep the add-ons to a minimum.

keep Reading on the Next Page. I didnt expect this at all! Food Number 7 will shock you!
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